DCI Mission Statement
The Department of Commerce & Insurance (DCI) protects Missouri consumers through our oversight of the insurance industry, banks, credit unions, professional licensees and utilities operating in the state. We educate and advocate for Missourians as well as regulate fairly and impartially the industries and professionals under our purview. DCI is organized into the director’s office and nine divisions.
Insurance Consumer Affairs Division
- Acts as a liaison between consumers and the insurance industry by receiving complaints against insurance companies, insurance producers (agents), and other licensees.
- Investigates complaints to ensure consumers are being treated fairly under the law.
- Conducts education and outreach to Missourians about insurance topics.
Insurance Market Regulation Division
- Reviews insurance policy forms and materials to ensure compliance with Missouri laws and regulations.
- Conducts market analysis and market conduct examinations, and investigations of insurance companies to protect policyholders and ensure laws are followed.
- Monitors Missouri’s insurance market through the collection and compilation of industry financial and claim data.
Insurance Company Regulation Division
- Monitors and analyzes the financial solvency of insurance companies licensed in Missouri to ensure consumer claims can be paid.
- Licenses and regulates captive insurance companies, authorized reinsurance companies, and other insurance-related entities.
- Reviews all premium tax, surplus lines tax, and captive premium tax filings.
Administration Division
- Provides general operational support within DCI including preparation of DCI’s annual budget, fiscal management of state insurance funds and federal grants, oversight of human resources, and information technology coordination.
- Licenses insurance producers (agents and agencies) operating within Missouri as well as licenses and registers various other insurance-related entities.
- Oversees the MO SHIP program, which provides free benefit counseling for Missouri Medicare recipients and their caregivers.
Division of Credit Unions
- Examines and oversees Missouri’s 89 state-chartered credit unions.
- Responds to consumer complaints concerning credit union services or operations.
Division of Finance
- Charters and examines Missouri's 202 state-chartered banks, non-deposit trust companies and savings and loan associations to safeguard the deposit and trust assets of account holders and ensure that trust in Missouri's financial system is maintained.
- Licenses and examines consumer credit companies, credit services organizations, money order companies, mortgage broker companies and mortgage loan originators to verify that consumers receive the protections afforded by the law.
Division of Professional Registration
- Supports 41 professional licensing boards and commissions responsible for licensing and regulating the activities of Missouri professionals.
- The boards and commissions process applications, administer examinations, and when warranted - conduct investigations into possible professional misconduct which may result in disciplinary action against the practitioner.
Public Service Commission
- Independently governed commission that regulates investor-owned electric, natural gas, steam, water and sewer utilities in Missouri.
Office of the Public Counsel
- Represents the public and the interests of utility customers in proceedings before the Missouri Public Service Commission.
- Provides guidance to landowners facing the condemnation of their property through the use of eminent domain.