Missouri Insurance Director elected 2019 NAIC Midwest Zone Chair

Leaders elected at Fall National Meeting

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Chlora Lindley-Myers, Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Development, was elected chair of the Midwest Zone at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Fall Meeting.

“I am excited to serve as the Midwest Zone chair and to represent my colleagues as we work to accomplish our mutual goals to protect consumers,” said Lindley-Myers. “It’s an important responsibility to help provide oversight and direction regarding the function of NAIC and its work.”

The zone leaders, working with the executive committee, will help steer the organization as the NAIC works on the State Ahead strategic planand blueprint for the future of insurance regulation.

The NAIC bylaws define the purpose and the function of each zone position. Lindley-Myers’ term of office begins Jan, 1, 2019.

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