JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – By a unanimous vote, the Missouri Dental Board has approved a proposal to streamline the licensing process for spouses of active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States who have been stationed in or are going to be stationed in Missouri.
Under this proposed rule, a military spouse who is licensed as a dentist or dental hygienist in another state may more easily achieve licensure in Missouri based upon the credentials from the state they are licensed in. The proposed rule will require the Board to issue the appropriate license to a military spouse meeting the requirements in the rule within 60 days of receiving the completed application and supporting documentation. The proposal also waives all application and initial licensure fees for a military spouse applying for a dental or dental hygiene license in Missouri.
“The Board is committed to supporting those serving in our military and their families,” stated Missouri Dental Board Executive Director Brian Barnett. “When someone in the United States Armed Forces is stationed in Missouri, the Board wants to make it a seamless transition for their spouse to obtain licensure to practice their profession in Missouri, while still ensuring that Missouri citizens receive the highest quality dental care possible. The Board is confident that this streamlined process will help accomplish that mission.”