JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Leftover medication can be dangerous and poses threats to our communities. You can dispose of your unused or unwanted medication during the annual Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 30th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at sites across Missouri. This bi-annual event hosted by the DEA offers free, anonymous disposal at over 4,000 local drop-off locations nationwide. DEA and law enforcement partners will be collecting unwanted tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid forms of prescription drugs. According to the DEA, liquids (including intravenous solutions), syringes and other sharps, and illicit drugs will not be accepted. They will accept vaping devices and cartridges provided the lithium batteries are removed.
“Disposal of unneeded and potentially dangerous drugs can help keep our communities safe and healthy,” said Missouri Board of Pharmacy Executive Director Kimberly Grinston. “It’s important that we all do our part to prevent these drugs from being misused and prevent overdose deaths.”
You can find an April 30th DEA collection site near you by visiting
Year-round collection sites are also available at many local pharmacies, hospitals, police departments, and businesses. Find a year-round public collection site near you.