Teamwork helps STLCC graduate expedite nursing board exams prior to military deployment

Jefferson City, Mo. – The Missouri State Board of Nursing is proud to be part of a recent military graduate’s journey to earn her registered nursing license to support her overseas Active Duty service.

Chelsea Nadal, a nursing student graduate from St. Louis Community College-Forest Park, is also a member of the U.S. Army Reserves. Her military unit is already stationed overseas in Kuwait. Nadal was given the opportunity to remain stateside to finish her degree and to become a registered nurse before she deployed.

“I wouldn’t have been in this position if it wasn’t for my unit, if it wasn’t for the staff at Forest Park,” said Nadal. “If it wasn’t for Karen (Mayes, director of nursing at STLCC-Forest Park), if it wasn’t for the Missouri Board of Nursing. I really feel like they deserve the recognition more than anything else.”

Staff at STLCC-Forest Park worked closely with the Missouri State Board of Nursing to expedite Nadal’s nursing board exams in her final semester of college.

“This is a great example of teamwork,” said Lori Scheidt, Missouri State Board of Nursing, executive director.

Melanie Stegeman, registrar, and Tracy Williams, coordinator of student records at STLCC-Forest Park, expedited the process to confirm Nadal met all the requirements to graduate. Mayes then drove two hours to deliver the paperwork to the State Board of Nursing Office in Jefferson City.

“I would have driven 10 hours,” said Mayes. “At this point of the process, every hour is critical to speeding up the process.”

Scheidt next authorized the military expedited application processing for Nadal. This allowed her to test as soon as the nursing program could get the State Board of Nursing a transcript with a degree completion date—rather than the degree conferral date.

Angie Morice, director of licensure at the Missouri State Board of Nursing, then took steps to ensure that Nadal could schedule her test the same day the transcript was hand-delivered to the office. This also allowed Nadal to make her exam appointment rapidly.

“She scheduled her test for May 19th. We received her passing exam results on May 20th and licensed her that same day,” said Scheidt.

Already a Licensed Practical Nurse in the Army, Nadal wanted to become a registered nurse to have more skills to help her in the military setting. She will be working in an intensive care unit at a hospital in Kuwait.

“Granting an exception was the right thing to do so she could test and be licensed prior to her deployment,” said Scheidt. “We applaud her service to our country and we are delighted that the (STLCC-Forest Park) nursing program reached out so we could make this happen.”

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