JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Are you turning 65, retiring, or becoming eligible for Medicare because of a disability? If so, there is an excellent opportunity for you to participate in the free Medicare Virtual Fair on June 23rd from the comfort of your home or office that will help you navigate through the complexities of Medicare.
CLAIM, the official State Health Insurance Assistance Program for Missouri since 1993, is helping residents sign up for Medicare by promoting this national virtual event from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST on Wednesday, June 23rd.
“Unfortunately, during the COVID crisis this past year, we were unable to provide many of our traditional ‘Welcome to Medicare’ events around the state,” said Scott Miniea, executive director of the not-for-profit Missouri Connections for Health, which manages CLAIM.
“Now, CLAIM is excited to participate in this upcoming national event designed to assist Missourians with their Medicare needs,” said Miniea.
The CLAIM program team will be “all hands on deck” related to staff, according to Miniea, at this virtual event—which links nationwide resources with Missouri-specific details.
“Our team of CLAIM staff and volunteers are eager and ready to assist Missourians in the virtual break out room to learn about how we can help. We can also provide general education to those who need it,” said Miniea.
The CLAIM call center will be open and available to take telephone requests for individualized counseling after the event, too. Staff will also be providing assistance via the event’s chat function.
This virtual event’s goal is to teach residents about Medicare--and all its parts--and to assist people in making their initial enrollment decisions. The CLAIM volunteers provide unbiased counseling and assistance at no cost for all participants.
Those interested in taking advantage of this free opportunity to receive advice provided by Medicare experts are encouraged to pre-register prior to the event online. You may log-in at and follow the easy-to-follow steps found on the “Welcome To Medicare” information on the website.
As stated, all CLAIM services are free, unbiased and confidential. CLAIM averages around 300 volunteer counselors and 180 community partners throughout Missouri who provide local Medicare counseling in their communities. Funding is providing by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) with oversight by the Department of Commerce & Insurance (DCI).