Rate filings reflect an increase in competition in most areas of the state
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Chlora Lindley-Myers, the director of the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance, announced the release of final health insurance rates for the individual market in 2022 for the State of Missouri.
“The health insurance market in our state and our country continues to be challenging, however, I’m pleased by the significant increase in competition we’ve seen in Missouri this year,” said Lindley-Myers. “Half of our counties in Missouri now have three or more health insurers competing for business in the individual market.”
Lindley-Myers notes that as in previous years, Missouri has at least one insurance company offering health plans in every Missouri county. There are nine carriers offering individual market health plans in 2022 in the state. Three insurers have significantly increased the number of counties they are operating in while a fourth insurer, Aetna, has re-entered the individual market in Missouri. Health insurers in Missouri offer plans both on and off the exchange, and most health insurers offer a variety of health plans for Missourians to choose from. Consumers can access the Department’s coverage map for more information on companies in their county.
Health carriers filed rates for 2022 facing a continuation of unusual circumstances due to COVID-19. The final rates for individual plans reflect this unpredictability, with rate changes ranging from an average decrease of 6.86% to an average increase of 15.46%.
Missourians can access the final rates and find more information about the rate review process on the department’s website at: https://insurance.mo.gov/health-insurance-rate-filings-2025-plan-year. The final rates posted do not reflect any premium subsidies that may be available to consumers through the federal government.
Open enrollment for the 2022 plan year begins November 1 and ends on January 15, 2022. The Department encourages consumers to shop carefully for health insurance coverage. “It’s important to consider more than the cost of the premiums when choosing your health plan for 2022,” said Lindley-Myers. “Companies may change the type of policy they sell from one year to the next. Networks may vary from year to year, and often differ based on where you live.”
Missourians who are considering an alternative type of health insurance, such as short-term limited duration or Association Health Plan, can review the Department’s Low Cost Health Insurance Guide or contact the Department’s Consumer Hotline where a specialist can provide assistance.
For more information and to utilize the Department’s shopping tool, visit the Department’s website at www.insurance.mo.gov or call the Insurance Consumer Hotline at 800-726-7390.