JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The RX Cares for Missouri Program, administered by the Missouri Board of Pharmacy, is seeking grant funding proposals for the purpose of developing or providing programs or education to promote medication safety, or prevent prescription drug abuse, misuse, and diversion in the state of Missouri.
Eligible recipients include any person or public, private, charitable or educational entity who will provide grant services to residents of Missouri consistent with the RX Cares program goals. Full details regarding proposal or application requirements and funding are available on the Board’s website.
The RX Cares for Missouri program was launched in 2018 and is an initiative intended to heighten awareness and understanding of the crucial role licensed pharmacists play in protecting and promoting the overall health of Missourians, including assisting consumers with pharmaceutical drug safety.
As an example, since its inception, the RX Cares for Missouri Program has played a critical role in helping combat the opioid epidemic by providing safe options for patient disposal of unused or unwanted medication. In FY 2021, the program’s participants destroyed approximately 5,443 pounds of medication, representing a 550 percent increase from the previous year.
“Improving patient health and safety are the Board of Pharmacy’s top priorities,” said Board President James L. Gray, III, PharmD, MBA. “The Rx Cares for Missouri grant program will identify innovative strategies to advance the Board’s agenda for improving medication safety as well as preventing prescription drug abuse and diversion in Missouri.”
All grant proposals must be postmarked by January 31, 2022 to be eligible for consideration. For additional information about grant applications/proposals or to learn more about the RX Cares for Missouri Program, visit