Governor grants approval at the request of the Missouri State Board of Nursing and the Missouri Board for the Healing Arts in response to the COVID-19 crisis
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Effective immediately, the Governor’s office has temporarily waived the regulation requiring that a collaborating physician and an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) be within 75 miles of each other.
This waiver expands the ability of our healthcare professionals to directly serve the needs of all citizens during the COVID-19 outbreak and reduces travel of both patients and providers, helping reduce the spread of the virus.
“It is paramount that our health professionals be able to treat our citizens during this critical time of need, “said Governor Mike Parson. “Physicians and nurses serving on the front lines of this outbreak are at risk of infection and some may be unable to treat patients due to quarantine. As Governor, I am suspending the requirement that a physician and APRN are within 75 miles of one another. This will allow our highly skilled and educated health professionals to provide care to our communities including using telehealth when they need it most.”
The waiver benefits patients and healthcare professionals in the following ways:
- Allows health practitioners to treat patients and minimizes travel and spread of the virus.
- Allows a physician and APRN to collaborate regardless of where the providers are located.
- Avoids the disruption of services should a collaborating physician become ill or be diverted to another practice location.
This waiver, put in place in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, will be in effect until the expiration of the Governor’s Executive Order 20-02.
Statutes and Regulations affected by this waiver:
335.175, RSMo,