Map to Division of Professional Registration Main Office
Division of Professional Registration

P.O. Box 1335
Jefferson City, MO 65102
From St. Louis
Take I-70 west to Exit 148 at Kingdom City exit - Highway 54 West- State Capitol Exit
Proceed on Highway 54 West (you will cross the Missouri River as you enter Jefferson City and will want to get in the right lane)
Exit at Highway 50 West - Sedalia Exit
Proceed on Highway 50 West to the Truman Boulevard/South Country Club Exit and turn left
Continue on Truman Boulevard to the last visible set of stop lights
Turn left onto Missouri Boulevard at the Farm Bureau Building
Continue on Missouri Boulevard past the OMD Building and the Learfield Building
Turn right on to Howerton Court
Professional Registration is the first building on the right - 3605 Missouri Boulevard
From Kansas City
Take I-70 east to US Hwy 63 South (Columbia exit)
Take US Hwy 63 South to US Hwy 54 West (just north of Jefferson City)
Proceed on Highway 54 West (you will cross the Missouri River as you enter Jefferson City and will want to get in the right lane)
Exit at Highway 50 West - Sedalia Exit
Proceed on Highway 50 West to the Truman Boulevard/South Country Club Exit and turn left
Continue on Truman Boulevard to the last visible set of stop lights
Turn left onto Missouri Boulevard at the Farm Bureau Building
Continue on Missouri Boulevard past the OMD Building and the Learfield Building
Turn right on to Howerton Court
Professional Registration is the first building on the right - 3605 Missouri Boulevard
From Springfield
Take I-44 east to State Route 5 North (Lebanon exit).
Turn left on State Route 5 North to US Hwy 54 East.
Turn right on US Hwy 54 East to Jefferson City
Exit US Hwy 54 East at Highway 50 West - Sedalia Exit
Proceed on Highway 50 West to the Truman Boulevard/South Country Club Exit and turn left
Continue on Truman Boulevard to the last visible set of stop lights
Turn left onto Missouri Boulevard at the Farm Bureau Building
Continue on Missouri Boulevard past the OMD Building and the Learfield Building
Turn right on to Howerton Court
Professional Registration is the first building on the right - 3605 Missouri Boulevard