Veterans taking professional state licensing or certification examinations required by the Department of Commerce & Insurance (DCI) can be reimbursed for the cost of the exam. Visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Veterans Education website to learn more about how the GI Bill can pay the cost of a license or certification test.


Veterans Affairs will pay for the cost of the tests, up to $2,000 for each test. Veterans Affairs will not issue reimbursement for other fees connected with obtaining a license or certification. Payment is issued after you submit the required information to the VA.


The VA will reimburse regardless of the number of exams you may take, or the number of times you may take an exam. However, Missouri regulations may limit the number of times you can take an exam. Check with your state regulator for details.


If you have questions about licensing and certification reimbursement or applying for benefits, you can access the VA's website or call 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551), or for the hearing-impaired call 800-829-4833.


Contact Us
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance
Mailing Address

PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690

Main Office Phone Number

(573) 751-4126

Street Address

Harry S Truman State Office Building
301 W. High St., Room 530
Jefferson City, MO 65101